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Welcome To My Page!

Hey guys!!! I am so excited that you are here!

This blog that I have created is explicitly designed to convey the importance of Jesus Christ in my life and how I strive to live my lifestyle according to His Word! But to begin this story, I must first tell you of the time that I first experienced God's goodness and His grace!

So let's take it allllll the way back to September of 2006, while watching a movie about the September 11 attacks. I don't remember much about the movie except that Nicholas Cage was the main character, but I do specifically remember asking my parents what happened to each of those people after they died on that fateful day.

Now, I grew up in church and I knew all the right answers. Of course Jesus was the son of God who died on the cross and rose again three days later, but I really didn't know the significance of that until later in my life.

In middle school (the worst years, I know) when life was starting to get really tough. I had great parents, went to a great school, and had great friends, but I was so so lonely. The school day drudged on and was full of bullies and popular girls who just were never nice to the nerdy kids like me.

It was in those moments that I realized that I could not handle this life on my own.

On that day in September of 2006, I gave my life to a God that is higher than I could ever be, but those terrible middle school years forced me to rely on God and His promises that He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

So, with this blog, I am hoping to share all of the knowledge that I have studied and learned of God's Word and the fulfillment of His promises that have been evident in both my life and the lives of others around me. I want to be able to provide encouragement to others who believe, as well as hopefully being a light to those who may not.

I hope each of you can catch a glimpse of Jesus through my writing and my lifestyle choices even though they are not my truths in which I write.

I am so excited to share a life with Jesus with you guys!!

God Bless!

"But where sin increased, grace increased all the more." // Romans 5:20


  1. So proud of you for sharing what God has done in your life! Looking forward to reading more! All praise to God 🙌🏼

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy all of the content and the messages that God may be speaking to you! Much love!


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