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A Letter To My Future Husband

To my future husband,
I've been praying for you.
I pray for your well-being, your work, your schooling, your family. I pray that you are earnestly seeking and searching for God's ultimate plan over your life. I pray that, wherever you are, God is constantly shaping and molding you into the godly, kind, genuine, and passionate world-changer that you are intended to be. I pray that you are so hidden behind the cross that you are blind to the inconsistencies of this world. I pray that your love for Christ, His Word, and His work far exceeds the love you have for me.
I'm not gonna lie, when I was very young I made a list of the qualities I wanted in a future husband. While you may or may not be the tall, athletic guy with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes that I desired when I was seven, I wholeheartedly believe that you are far greater than what I could ever imagine for myself.
Of course, I have envisioned (and even somewhat planned, thank you Pinterest) how our lives will be and how God is going to use us to radically change the world. How He will use your strengths to strengthen my weaknesses and use my strengths to strengthen yours. How He will use us to be each other's perfect compliment, relentless motivator, and biggest fan.
So, I have a few promises that I have made to God, to myself, and to you.
I am waiting for you. In every aspect of the word, I am waiting for you as a fulfillment of God's promises to us. However, in this time of singleness, I am continuing to focus on progress, to be better each day than I was the day before. And when we meet, I promise to always listen to, encourage, and support you. I promise to love you unconditionally just as Christ loves His church, even on our worst days. But above all, I promise to always seek Christ first and you second, making every decision based on God's will and purpose for our lives.
And although I am unsure of who or where you are, I am certain that God's timing is absolutely perfect and that He will fulfill His promises to us. I cannot wait to share every laugh, adventure, and memory with you, all for His glory.
"... for a cord of three strands is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12
With love, your future wife.
