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Christians, We Must Be Better

"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." - Romans 12:2 
There is a question that plagues my mind daily:
How are people ever going to come to Jesus when we Christians look, act, and think like the people of this world?
Let's break down Romans 12: 2: "Do not be conformed to this age." Here, Paul uses the words "this age" to describe the secularized, increasingly unholy society in which we have been a part of since the fall of man as recorded in Genesis. This consists of those who have yet to put faith in Jesus Christ alone and those who do not acknowledge the authority of the holy God.
In the second part of the verse, Paul states, "but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
As for Christians (those who have indeed put full faith and trust into an almighty Savior), having a renewed mind is the direct result of striving to live like Christ.
Our hearts will be less interested in the things of this world when our main focus is Christ alone.
Christ is the sole cause of our hearts' change; however, our selfishness almost always gets in the way. We are completely unwilling to change our lifestyles because we are "having fun," or we "don't want to miss out," but when we are unwilling to set aside our earthly desires for the commands of Christ, we are in blatant disobedience. By succumbing to our flesh, whether that be underage drinking, pornography, premarital sex, gluttony, etc., we are explicitly prioritizing ourselves and our wants over the commands of God and our relationship with Him.
Satan loves the flesh. And he hates God. He prides himself in tempting us by using appealing, occasionally even good things to persuade us to forget about our call from God but instead gives in to our fleshly desires. Although he is vicious, Satan is predictable; he attacks us where we are the most vulnerable. He uses beauty, sports, sex, social media, familial issues, relationships, alcohol, etc. in order to entice our flesh to give into seemingly good things, yet he distracts us from fully pursuing the relationship that we are created for.
As Christians, we are called to look different. We are to be lights to those who are living in darkness.
If you claim to follow Christ, you are to look different from those who don't believe the same that you do. Matthew 5:14 states, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."
When we choose to give in to the things of earth, we distract the focus from Christ and the gospel message, and in turn, dissuade people from coming to Christ. So why in the world do we question why people don't seek Christ when we are living poor examples of what a Christian should look like? Unbelievers will not be persuaded to follow a Christ with followers hypocritical to the message that they preach.
I challenge you and I challenge myself: Live your life in a way so that people ask you why you are so different. Exemplify such kindness, grace, compassion, and love to everyone around you so that people are wondering how and why you are so full of joy. And that, my friends, gives you the perfect opportunity to share the gospel message.
1 Peter 2:9 // "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
Therefore, "be transformed by the renewing of your mind," so that others can see Christ in you.
