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The Source of True Power

"It is about the greatness of God, not the significance of man. God made man small and the universe big to say something about Himself." - John Piper

Have you ever looked around at the colors in the sky, the animals in the wilderness, or a newborn baby and just thought about how powerful our God is?

He is so mighty. And He is so powerful.

And He has the power to do anything.

He has the power to speak anything into existence; God created the universe by a simple utterance. Tell me that's not insane, falling-on-your-knees type of power!!!!

Sometimes, our sinful nature inherently takes the power from God and puts in our own hands. We tend to forget just how present and powerful God is in every single situation.

"The ways of God are without fault." // Psalm 18:30

There are lots of things in this world (that we like to forget about) that scream God's power. Have you ever thought about the human body and how each part works perfectly together? Like what?!? Each cell, each tissue, each vein perfectly connects with the other parts of your individual body so that you are able to live. That makes me want to fall on my face.

The vast expanses of the oceans, the mountainous terrains of the hills and valleys, the weather that occurs in perfect sequences in order to prevent flooding or drought, but gives us exactly what we need in order to survive and flourish. God gives us nature so that we can observe it in worship.

Our memory, our senses, how our body works, even technology are ALL used as mechanisms for worship and adoration for Christ.

I could go on and on about the little (and big) things that God uses as a display for His mighty power. But get this... God created the eternalness of the universe. ETERNALNESS. OF. THE. UNIVERSE. Like it doesn't end. Our God has the power to create something that NEVER ENDS!!!!

And He makes all these different things work together so that He gets the glory.

Everything in the universe works together to glorify the Creator.

His power is a perfect parallel to His reckless grace and unrelenting love for us. He uses His might as a tool for us to bask in His glory.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." // 1 Peter 5:3


God indeed has many powers; He has the power to do anything and everything. He can heal the sick, cast out demons, perform miracles, but most importantly, He can give life. And He will.

"With man, only a few things are possible, but with God, all things are possible." // Matthew 19:26

My mother has always told me that the most beautiful thing to witness is the birth of a child, that it is a great depiction of Christ's power..... But the most power is shown in the birth of a new believer.

So let Him show His power to you and through you. He makes dry bones come alive (Ezekiel 37:1-14, read it, it's awesome), He feeds the 5,000, He resurrects from the grave...
And He can do the same with you.

The same God who created the universe wants to create a new you. The same God who rolled the stone away from His Son's grave wants to roll your stone away. He wants to resurrect you. He wants to take away the nails in your wrists, the spear in your side, and the thorns on your head. He wants to put flesh on your dry bones. He wants you to be one of His. His desire is that you accept Him and let Him show His mighty power through you.

In Psalm 46:10, we are told to "Be still and know that [He is] God."

Be still.

Be still and meditate in His glory. Be still and find Him in all things. Be still and worship Him as your Savior.

"Be still and know that He is God." In fact, God uses this statement as a command, a command that we are to stop the hustle and bustle of our busy lives and be still. To worship Him.


So, today and everyday, find the power of Christ in the little things. In the big things. Find the power of Christ in EVERYTHING.

"For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse." // Romans 1:20
