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A Letter To 2020

Dear 2020,

I am so ready for you.

2019 has held some of the roughest, most brutal days that I can remember. And although 2019 may have knocked me down, you will be a year full of laughter, growth, progress, and happiness.

2020, you are canvas that is begging to be painted on, earnestly waiting to become a beautiful masterpiece in which we are the artists. Perhaps that is the most appealing thing about you -- you are a blank slate that has not yet been characterized by the world and I have the power to dictate how the year goes.

The lessons I have learned from the past 365 days have molded me into a different person than I was a year ago, a person who is ready to take on the challenges of 2020 and conquer them, not let them rule my mind and my life. The worst days of 2019 are in the past, ans they will be left there. 2020, we are starting anew, and I promise to look at you through fresh eyes -- open, willing, and eager to live one day at a time, bettering both myself and everyone around me.

If 2019 has taught me anything, its that life has controllables and uncontrollables. I have been forced to learn that these uncontrollables should not be allowed to dictate my attitude, that I have complete and total control over my outlook and the joy with which I face every day.

I promise to be resilient and to not let the past year control how I approach you, yet instead let it teach me to bend (and sometimes break) yet still remain steadfast in joy, bliss, and gladness.

2020, I will label you with "resolutions" or "goals" that will become history the third week of the year. Doing such a thing will result in the same thing every other year has been defined by: letdowns and a decrease in productivity.

This year, I focus on progress -- becoming a better me. Each day there is something I can improve on.

One day that may be growing in sport or fitness, another it may be making improvements in what I eat, and some day I may be given the opportunity to improve my attitude.

2020, don't ever lose the sparkle that new year's celebrations bring. Continue to lavish upon people joy, radiance, and hope. Let the feelings surrounding a new year never fade in the midst of the trials that you may bring.

2020, I thank you in advance for your challenges that will help shape me into the person that I want to become. Thank you for providing new opportunities, new questions, and new answers. I am so ready to meet you!
