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An Open Letter To My Childhood Best Friend

I don't know a better way to start this letter than with a simple thank you.
Thank you for every single laugh and every single memory. I can't seem to think of a single memory of my childhood when you were not there.
Thank you for the sleepovers when we said we were gonna pull an all-nighter but fell asleep at 10:30.
Thank you for talking about ugly boys with me.
Thank you for making cup song videos with me.
Thank you for helping me prank call my parents at work when you were over.
Thank you for the impromptu photo shoots in the tree in my backyard.
Thank you for creating dance routines with me to the crazy popular High School Musical hits.
Thank you for taking the most awkward pictures with me (that for some reason are still on our Facebook accounts).
Thank you for being you. Thank you for making me laugh until I couldn't breathe. From sitting right next to each other in elementary school to going our separate ways in middle school, the weekends were always the best because that meant that we got to hang out.
I know we haven't seen each other in over three years and I know we don't even really talk anymore, but remembering all of the over-a-decade of memories that we share will ALWAYS be something to make us both laugh until we cry.
Childhood best friend, you are a huge reason why I am the person I am today. You taught me how to have fun, how to laugh until I got abs, and how to hold my breath underwater until I almost passed out.

But most of all, thank you for being the person that I can always count on. Whether we talked the night before or whether I need you tomorrow, thank you for always being there to talk, laugh, and cry with me.
You are truly fantastic. I will always love you dearly,
your forever best friend.
