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An Open Letter To My Rockin' Dad

It's always been fun to be the one with the "cool dad."
You have been there through it all; victories, breakups, and every single first day of school.
I remember that my first real heartbreak came when I was 5 and I found out that I couldn't marry you. Nonetheless, you showed me the characteristics that a man of God posses, the characteristics I should look for in my future husband. I have high expectations because you set the bar so high, and I can't thank you enough for that.
Thank you for showing the world exactly how a man should love and treat a woman. Thank you for being the man of God that you are; a man of integrity, compassion, and honesty. Thank you for always doing things the right way and not letting the ways of the world influence you.
Thank you for leading our family for providing for us every single day.
Thank you for being the best at your job. You constantly teach us that hard work, perseverance, and prayer are what make us successful. Thank you for teaching us that our reward is in Heaven. The accolades on this earth, they're all rubbish compared to what is waiting for us in eternity. Thank you for instilling those truths into our family.
Thank you for cheering me on both in the dugout and in the stands. Thank you for pushing me and not letting me accept anything less than the best. Thank you for teaching me to excel at every single thing I do, whether it be in the classroom, on the field, and in my leisure time.
Thank you for checking in on me. Thank you for calling and talking to me for hours about everything from Jesus and sports, to boys and grades. Most of all, thank you for investing in my life.
Thank you for writing us goody poems and bringing me, mom, and sis flowers every Valentine's Day. The little things you do for us that shows us exactly how we are to be adored.
Thank you for going to get the car when we are still in the store, just so that we don't have to walk in the rain.
Thank you for filling up my gas tank when I come home. You don't have to do any of the things that you do for us, but yet you do them all with a grateful heart.
Thank you for the overwhelming passion that you have for life. Thank you for being a free-spirited and goofy jokester.
You have influenced so many people in the world, but the little girl with bubbles in her hair holding a glove as big as her face still thinks of you as the greatest man to ever walk this planet.
You are without a doubt the most wonderful man, brother, and father that I have ever met, and one day, I can only hope to be with someone that is half the man that you are.
Thank you for everything that you do.
With love, your forever baby girl.
