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The Reality of Worthiness

You are worthy.

Psalm 90:2 says, "Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting, You are God."

Based on this truth that God is eternal, meaning that He has always existed and always will (I know, my mind can't comprehend it either), we can trust these words of John 17:24, "because You have loved me before the creation of the world."

Y'all. God KNEW us and LOVED us before we were ever a thought. Before this world was even created. And yet we think that we have the right to think less of ourselves or that we are unimportant, unworthy, or inferior to those around us?

Sweet friend, you are so special. Special enough that the God of the universe came to this earth and poured out His innocent blood to take a punishment that we deserve.

My youth pastor used to say something that's always stuck with me: "God doesn't make mistakes, so why would He start with you?"

So whenever you feel inadequate, unloved, or unqualified, remember that the King of Kings knew your name before this world even existed. And knowing every single bit of our sin and shortcoming, He died for us anyway.

Rest in that truth.
